Platoon Sergeant
YM Cpl Klimas
Platoon Guide
YM LCpl Decker
Squad Leader
PFC Meredith
Assistant Squad Leader
Team Leader
Team Members
YM Pvt Purucker
YM Pvt Rose
YM Pct Rinehart
Rct Schoolcraft
Rct Oldaker
Squad Leader
YM PFC Atkinson
Assistant Squad Leader
YM PFC Van Orman
Team Leader
Team Members
YM Pvt Burkard
YM Pvt Hopson
Rct Senak
Rct Braden
Color Guard Sergeant
YM Cpl Klimas
Color Guard Primary
YM LCpl Decker
YM PFC Atkinson
YM PFC Meredith
Color Guard Secondary
YM PFC Van Orman
YM Pvt Purucker
To be a Team Member, a Young Marine must be a YM/Pvt and above in good standing in the unit; recruits are not permitted to be Team Members until the completion of recruit training. This position is not required for promotion.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Team Member are:
1. comply with rules and orders
2. make responsible decisions for your own (and your teammates’) safety
3. maintain good personal habits and manners
4. admit your mistakes and learn from experience
5. encourage your teammates
6. take care of all personal and group equipment—repair or report items of equipment and clothing when they break or become damaged
7. cooperate with others and work as a member of a team.
8. accept constructive criticism
To hold the position of Team Leader, a Young Marine must be a YM/Pvt and above in good standing in the unit. This position is not required for promotion, but rather another opportunity for leadership. As a Team Leader, their responsibility is to the members of their team. They are responsible for their safety and training in addition to insuring their team is well informed. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their three-month duties as Team Leader, to receive credit.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Team Leader are:
1. assists the Squad leader with supervision and the carrying out of all orders and assignments for their team
2. ensures their team is taken care of before themselves
3. takes responsibility for their team’s actions
To hold the position of Assistant Squad Leader, a Young Marine must be a YM/PFC and above in good standing in the unit. This position is not required for promotion, but rather another opportunity for leadership. As an Assistant Squad Leader, their responsibility is to the members of their squad. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their three-month duties as Assistant Squad Leader, to receive credit.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Assistant Squad Leader are:
1. The Assistant Squad Leader assists the Squad Leader with his/her duties.
2. They carry out all duties as assigned by the Squad Leader.
3. They perform the duties of the Squad Leader in their absence.
To hold the position of Rifleman, a Young Marine must be a YM/PFC and above in good standing in the unit. This position is not required for promotion, but rather another opportunity for leadership. A Color Guard Member is either one of two riflemen or the unit colors on a color guard. The Young Marine Unit Colors is positioned to the left of the National colors and will dip when rendering honors. The riflemen flank each side of the flag bearers, signifying the protection of our National Colors.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Color Guard Member are:
1. ensuring uniform and appearance are in line with the Young Marines Uniform Regulations
2. ensuring continual training and preparedness for the position
3. being available to perform this duty when required
To hold the position of Color Sergeant, a Young Marine must be a YM/PFC and above in good standing in the unit. This position is not required for promotion, but rather another opportunity for leadership. The Color Sergeant should be the senior member of the Color Guard. As the Color Sergeant, the Young Marine is responsible for carrying the National Colors and the overall success of the color guard.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Color Sergeant are:
1. the continual training and preparedness of the color guard
2. ensuring all members of the color guard are notified of events with times, locations, irections, etc.
3. ensuring members of the Color Guard are appropriately dressed and well-groomed according to the Young Marines Uniform Regulations
4. commanding the Color Guard during events
To hold the position of Squad Leader, a Young Marine must be a YM/LCpl in good standing in the unit. This position IS required for YM/Cpl promotion. As a Squad Leader, their responsibility is to the members of their squad. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their three-month duties as Squad Leader, to receive credit towards their YM/Cpl promotion.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Squad Leader are:
1. The Squad Leader is responsible to the Platoon Sergeant for their squad.
2. They carry out all duties as assigned by the Platoon Sergeant.
3. The First Squad Leader assumes the duties of the Platoon Guide in their absence.
4. In the case that the unit does not fill the guide billet, First Squad Leader will take over the Platoon Sergeant’s position in case of their absence.
5. Some responsibilities a Squad Leader has are:
a. care and safety of the members of their squad
b. responsibility for their squad members being kept up to date on unit, platoon, or squad information
c. ensuring their squad members look their best by adhering to the Young Marine Uniform Regulations
d. ensuring the squad members are where they are supposed to be at all times
To hold the position of Platoon Guide, a Young Marine must be a YM/Cpl or above in good standing in the unit. This position is not required for the promotion, but rather another opportunity for leadership. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their three-month duties as Platoon Guide, to receive credit.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Platoon Guide are:
1. The Platoon Guide is responsible for and carries the Platoon Guidon.
2. The Platoon Guide assumes the duties of the Platoon Sergeant in their absence.
3. The Platoon Guide is responsible for ensuring members of their platoon receive all gear and equipment they need.
4. It is the Platoon Guides responsibility to ensure all members of the platoon receive appropriate water and chow breaks and ensure all get chow.
Young Marine Assistant Recruit Instructor Job Duties
Young Marine Recruit Instructor Job Duties
To hold the position of Platoon Sergeant, a Young Marine must be a YM/Sgt in good standing in the unit. This position IS required for YM/SSgt promotion. As a Platoon Sergeant, their responsibility is to the members of their platoon. They answer to their Platoon Leader on all matters pertaining to their platoon. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their three-month term as Platoon Sergeant, to receive credit towards their YM/SSgt promotion.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Platoon Sergeant are:
1. The Platoon Sergeant must ensure members of their platoon follow all regulations and guidelines pertaining to the standards and conduct of the Young Marines.
2. They must hold inspections to ensure members are properly fitted with uniforms and equipment as well as maintaining appropriate grooming standards.
3. They will periodically tests the knowledge of members of the platoon to ensure they are studying their guidebooks.
4. The Platoon Sergeant will pass on to the Platoon Leader all requests and recommendations from them and their Squad Leaders concerning members of their platoon.
5. They will perform other duties as assigned by the Platoon Leader or Unit Commander.
To hold the position of Platoon Leader, a Young Marine must be a YM/SSgt – YM/GySgt in good standing in the unit. This position may be required for YM/MSgt promotion. As a Platoon Leader, their responsibility is to the members of their platoon and Platoon Sergeant. The Platoon Leader is responsible to the Unit Commander for their platoon. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their three-month duties as Platoon Sergeant, to receive credit towards their YM/MSgt promotion.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Platoon Leader are:
1. They serve as the official authority and mentor to the Platoon Sergeant for all matters pertaining to the platoon.
2. Platoon Leaders attend all meetings called by the Unit Commander and pass down to their respective Platoon Sergeants all information necessary for the smooth operation of their platoon.
3. Platoon Leaders oversees inspections of their platoons on a normal basis to ensure compliance with uniform regulations.
4. Platoon Leaders pass on to the Unit Commander all recommendations for promotions and/or awards for those in their platoon.
5. At the request of the Unit Commander, Platoon Leaders train their replacements.
To hold the position of Unit Gunny, a Young Marine must be a YM/GySgt in good standing in the unit. This position IS required for YM/MSgt promotion. In a unit there is only one billet of Unit Gunny. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their three-month duties as Unit Gunny, to receive credit towards their YM/MSgt promotion.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Gunny are:
1. Retention – In this role, they are responsible for trying to keep Young Marines in the program. If they suspect a Young Marine may be thinking of leaving the unit, they should set time aside to sit with them and find out what it is that is driving their decision. It may be something legitimate like work or sports, but it could also be a problem with someone else in the unit that can be fixed and retain that Young Marine.
2. Promotion Boards – Unit Gunny may sit on promotion boards. When a Young Marine has been selected for promotion, a promotion board will be scheduled. As the Unit Gunny, they will assist the Unit Executive Officer with any needs that they may have in conjunction with this process.
3. Promotions – When promotions are in order, it is the responsibility of the Unit Gunny to arrange the promotion, call those being promoted forward, read the promotion warrants, and post the recipients after the promotions take place.
To hold the position of Unit First Sergeant, a Young Marine must be a YM/MSgt in good standing in the unit. This position IS required for YM/MGySgt promotion. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their term, to receive credit towards their YM/MGySgt promotion.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Unit Young Marine First Sergeant are:
1. The Young Marine will work closely with the Unit Commander to ensure the smooth operation of the unit.
2. The Young Marine will assist the Unit Commander with all inspections.
3. As a Unit First Sergeant, one should always look out for their troops wellbeing and never allow them to be put in danger. When in the field with other units, the Unit First Sergeant is the liaison with the other Unit First Sergeant and irons out such details as chow, training sites, ORMs, etc.
4. Awards and Certificates – As it is the job of the Unit Gunny to handle promotions, it is the Unit First Sergeants job to handle any awards or certificates being given to their Young Marines. The Unit First Sergeant will assist the Unit Gunny with promotion ceremonies.
To hold the position of Unit DDR Chief, a Young Marine must be a YM/Sgt – YM/GySgt in good standing in the unit. This position may be required for YM/MSgt promotion. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their three-month term, to receive credit towards their YM/MSgt promotion.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine DDR Chief are:
1. The DDR Chief is responsible to the Training Chief and coordinates all unit drug demand reduction training alongside the units authorized adult representative. Their job is to ensure all quarterly DDR requirements are met in a fun and interactive way. They are responsible for inviting the appropriate guest speaker and implementing the training in the training schedule.
2. To receive credit for the billet, Young Marines must plan a Drug Demand Deduction training for one quarter. The training should be interactive, informative, and outside of the box.
To hold the position of Admin Chief, a Young Marine must be a YM/SSgt and above in good standing in the unit. This position is not required for the promotion, but rather another opportunity for leadership. While performing the duties of the Admin Chief, they cannot make entries into Young Marine record books, as they are not permitted access to any personal information on other Young Marines. The Unit Adjutant is responsible for this; however, they may assist the adjutant with other duties that do not require access to the Young Marine record books. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their three-month, to receive credit.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Admin Chief are:
a. These duties are determined by the unit commander and the unit adjutant jointly.
To hold the position of Young Marine (YM) Public Relations Rep., a Young Marine must be a YM/Sgt or above in good standing in the unit. This position is not required for the promotion, but rather another opportunity for leadership. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their six-month term, to receive credit.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Public Relations Rep. are:
1. The YM Public Relations Rep. is responsible to the Training Chief and works alongside the units authorized adult representative. They are responsible for getting media coverage of the unit and its events via social media, press releases, by conducting interviews, and the Young Marine Esprit.
2. To receive credit for the billet, the Young Marine must run the unit’s social media sites and website for two quarters or more, write two Esprit articles, and submit four video interviews.
To hold the position of Community Service Rep., a Young Marine must be a YM/Sgt-YM/GySgt in good standing in the unit. This position may be required for YM/MSgt promotion. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks to receive credit towards their YM/MSgt promotion.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Community Service Rep. are:
1. The Community Service Representative is responsible to the Training Chief and coordinates all unit community service events alongside the units authorized adult representative.
2. To receive credit for the billet, the billet holder must coordinate a minimum of one community service event where the unit accumulates at least 30 hours of community service as a whole. For example: If they have a unit of thirty Young Marines and plan an event that last one hour, they have completed the assignment successfully. The Young Marine must create a letter of instruction, schedule, and coordinate logistics for the event. The Training Chief should provide, and delegate support as needed.
To hold the position of Assistant Training Chief, a Young Marine must be a YM/Gygt – YM/MSgt in good standing in the unit. This position is not required for promotion, but rather another opportunity for leadership. The Assistant Training Chief is responsible to the Training Chief and assist them with all their duties. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their six-month duties as Assistant Training Chief, to receive credit.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Unit Young Marine Assistant Training Chief are:
1. assist with setting up, operating, and attesting to all physical fitness tests
2. assisting with training schedules
3. assisting with unit annual, quarterly, and monthly training plans
4. assisting with setting up annual, quarterly, and monthly specialized and refresher training for adults and senior Young Marines
5. acting as Training Chief in their absence
To hold the position of Training Chief, a Young Marine must be a YM/MSgt in good standing in the unit. The position IS required for promotion to YM/MGySgt. The Young Marine MUST have held the Assistant Training Chief position before holding Training Chief. The Training Chief is responsible to the adult Unit Executive Officer and work directly with the Training Officer. One may perform all or some of the duties of the Unit Executive Officer. This position is to be the unit’s expert on all training and create the training environment where Young Marines learn. Specific duties will be approved by the Unit Commander. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their six months, to receive credit towards their YM/MGySgt promotion.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Training Chief are:
1. setting up, operating, and attesting to all physical fitness tests
2. creating training schedules
3. creating unit annual, quarterly, and monthly training plans
4. setting up annual, quarterly, and monthly specialized and refresher training for adults and senior Young Marines
To hold the position of Executive Officer Assistant, a Young Marine must be a YM/MSgt in good standing in the unit. While holding this billet, the Young Marine must complete and carry out the following tasks, in their six-months, to receive credit.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Unit Young Marine Executive Officer Assistant are:
1. As the Executive Officer Assistant, you are responsible to the Unit Executive Officer. You may perform all or some of the duties of the Unit Executive Officer. Specific duties will be approved by the Unit Commander. Some of these duties may include but are not limited to:
a. sitting on promotions boards for the unit as needed
b. over sees Training Chief on setting up, operating, and attesting to all physical fitness tests
c. filling in as the Unit First Sergeant as needed
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